Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Secret Project and then some!

Well, I feel I should explain something BEFORE I get to my "Secret" blog posts are far between due to illness on my part and a 9 yr old with Tourettes Syndrome, OCD, and a couple of other issues. They tend to take up ALL my time, not counting the nights I stay awake all night...though that has more to do with MY obsessions and my 9 yr old waking up more often then a newborn with colic! I would LOVE to have co-bloggers, but I'll ask when the time is right.

Now then, I have 2 projects in the works for this BLOG. Port Chuck has become so very important to me for the simple fact that my son and I have started listenening (and singing BADLY) to the songs together. He's a boy who can't, and won't, leave my side, so why not get him into something I like? Truth be told, he loves Linkin Park, so "In The End" was an instant hit with him, though I WAS surprised that he loved "No One Like You"...think it was all the guitar ;p

Anyway, I've been collecting stories from other fans, some are long with pics, some are short with nothing more than a desire to express how much they love the music. I asked for permission to do this blog and was told yes. I was even told I could post videos & pics, but since the sound is pretty bad on camera phones (Did my age just show? Cause I'm not sure if that's what they're even called!) I won't be posting videos of them performing live, even if the quality is decent. Guess we may have to bug them to film a few videos, eh?? So if you want to share your stories (short or long), pics, or even interviews you know about that I may not...please send them to

NOW, the surprise ;) I'm obviously NOT going to get into it on here, but there is a SHORT time in which I can do this one so if your curious then DM me on Twitter: @FANSofPORTCHUCK Or you can just email me at the above address, I'll tell you all about it and get your input for it, if you so choose! TRUST me , you'll want to get you name in on it!


Next: 3rd FAN BLOG! Showcasing "SUSEYE" Make sure you check out one of their biggest fans!


  1. LOL! BOO back at ya... ;D Going to post this on Twitter again, maybe you can Retweet? You've been great, thanks so much...crossing my fingers it ALL works out :S
